First Communion
Second graders in our religious education program prepare for First Peance and Reconciliation and First Communion. Classes take place during the regular religious education schedule. There are two parent meetings scheduled (one before each Sacrament) and a rehearsal for the children will be held before First Communion. It is absolutely essential that all of these are attended.
Children attending parochial schools are held to the same requirements as all others during times of sacramental preparation if they wish to receive the sacraments at St. Anthony Church. This means that second graders must attend second grade religious education to prepare for First Penance and Reconciliation and First Communion. Because the children do not receive sacramental preparation with their basic religious education through their schools, it is important that they prepare here with their class. Religious education classes in the sacramental grades focus on this preparation. Please register your children for these programs on the days of regular religious education registration. No late registrations will be accepted.
Please call Religious Education office with any questions
Click here for additional readings on the sacrament of the Eucharist.